Seeking Help Doesn’t Mean You’re ‘Crazy or Weak.’

Dispelling the Myths about Mental Health

They’re Coming Home, And They Need Our Help!

Many myths about mental health perpetuate a stigma and create barriers for those who would benefit from seeking care. Misconceptions, fear of judgment, and blame can make it difficult for anyone experiencing issues related to mental health to get the support they need from family, friends, and professionals. Understanding the facts can help you take important steps toward dispelling these myths and reducing the stigma.  Many system-impacted citizens, currently and formerly incarcerated, do not seek the help they need because of the myths surrounding mental health.  If we truly want to aid in their recovery from a prison sentence, helping them successfully reintegrate, we must dispel the myths about mental health. They’re coming home, and they need our help.

While mental illness might alter your thinking, destabilize your moods, or skew your perception of reality, that doesn’t mean you are “crazy.” Instead, it means you are human and are susceptible to sickness and illness, the same as any other person.

Despite the prevalence of mental illness, there are still so many misconceptions about living with one. Below are eight myths about mental illness to highlight how important it is to discuss these issues with system-impacted citizens, families, and those in our communities. I also want to highlight these myths about mental illness to ensure that our loved ones and ourselves get help if needed.

Prisons are psychologically powerful places that transform the thoughts and behaviors of those who enter and exit those gates. However, that doesn’t mean that a person is crazy.

What do you think when you hear the words “mental health”? I’ve asked many system-impacted citizens this question, and the most common answers I’ve gotten are “crazy,” “nuts,” and “insane.”

Newsflash… are you ready? That is not true.

Mental illness is any disorder that can affect your mood, thinking, behavior, or some combination of the three. On top of that, mental illness is extremely common; it’s estimated that one in four people experience it each year.

Despite the prevalence of mental illness, there are still so many misconceptions about living with one.


“When I hear the words, mental health I think it means I’m crazy” ~Marlon, 39 years in prison

The Psychological Effects of Incarceration

Psychologist Craig Haney, Ph.D., studies the impact of solitary confinement on inmates in high-security, or “supermax,” prisons.

“There’s no doubt that enforced isolation can be psychologically harmful and, in some cases, deeply damaging,” says Haney, a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Although many psychologists recognize the risks of isolation, there hasn’t been much research on the psychological effects of solitary confinement. Haney’s goal is to collect data to determine whether solitary confinement is harmful, how severe the damage can be, and who is most at risk.

Studying the Supermax

Haney has inspected many supermax prisons across the U.S., conducting systematic psychological assessments of nearly 1,000 inmates in solitary confinement. In addition to conducting observations and face-to-face interviews with inmates, mental health staff, and correctional staff, he has performed an extensive literature review of personal accounts and prison documents relating to the operation of confinement units.

Through his research, Haney has found little evidence to support claims that prisoners or prison systems benefit from solitary confinement. Even those prisoners deemed to be the worst offenders don’t require such extreme isolation and deprivation. Many, he argues, are placed in supermax conditions not for what they have done but based on a prison official’s judgment that they are dangerous, disruptive, or a threat. Often, he says, they can and should be handled differently.

Solitary Confinement and Social Deprivation

“There are few, if any, forms of imprisonment that cause as much psychological harm as isolation,” says Haney. “For many prisoners, the lack of regular, normal human contact leads to a deep sense of unreality.”

Haney’s research revealed that inmates in supermax prisons experience higher rates of mental illness compared to the general prison population. Some prisoners entered the system with pre-existing mental health issues, while others developed symptoms after being confined. In his assessment of 400 randomly selected inmates, more than half displayed 11 of the 12 recognized signs of psychological distress. Around two-thirds reported experiencing anxiety attacks and feeling on the brink of an emotional breakdown. Some also reported more severe symptoms, such as depression and suicidal thoughts.

His findings highlight the critical need for human interaction, even within the correctional system, to maintain psychological well-being.

“It might seem like common sense, but it’s common sense backed by solid research,” Haney explains. “So much of our identity and behavior is shaped by social connections. When people are subjected to extreme isolation and social exclusion, they inevitably suffer.”

Click HERE to download and read the Testimony of Professor Craig Haney, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights Hearing on Solitary Confinement, June 19, 2012.

Reference: Haney, C. “Mental health issues in long-term solitary and ‘supermax’ confinement.” Crime and Delinquency, 49 (1), 124 – 156. Retrieved from

My husband was in solitary confinement for 19 months, which mentally unraveled him. Shortly after his release from prison, he died of an apparent drug overdose. ~ Valinda Newton

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