Wife After Prison: Caught in The Aftermath, Author Shelia Bruno

Author Shelia Bruno is known for giving voice to the psychological impact of incarceration, also known as Post-Incarceration Syndrome. In 2014, after being apart for thirty-eight years, Shelia became reacquainted with her high school sweetheart, Kevin Bruno, who was incarcerated for twenty-eight years. Fifty-three days after their reunion, they were married. In 2016, Kevin became barely recognizable in character and behavior. Each day, his behavior worsened, leading Shelia to cry to God, asking, “What is happening to my husband?” Her kind, caring, the loving, affectionate husband was now sliding in and out of depression, easily irritated by seemingly insignificant incidents. Shelia’s cry for help was heard by God, which led her to Google the question: Can a boy become a man in prison?

Available in Paperback and Kindle.

Inmate to Inspiration: How I Freed Myself From Self-Destruction, Kardell Sims (Author)

After doing state and federal prison time, Kardell Sims walked out of the gates with a blueprint. A blueprint that he put together while incarcerated. Inmate to Inspiration is his story, his journey, as he shares valuable information that he learned and applied to free himself from his destruction. Not letting the limitations of his background reduce the height of his potential, Kardell outgrew what he was born into.

Available in Paperback and Kindle.

The Five Stages of Growth: How I Transformed My Life While Serving Life, Lester Young (Author)

The Five Stages Of Growth is the personal testament of Lester Young’s resilience while facing adversities daily during his incarceration, from childhood insecurities, the death of his mother, and being sentenced to life in prison. This book uncovers how Lester’s vision of his purpose to him through his pain and how healing is essential to move forward. Many believe their past defines them; for Lester, his past only provided the blueprint to amplify his future.

Available in Paperback.

The Five Stages of Incarceration, Lester Young (Author)

The Five Stages of Incarceration is the personal story of Lester Young’s journey to redemption. This “self-help” booklet is the perfect blueprint for those that are currently incarcerated. During the first 3 years of his incarceration, he recognized the need to change. For this change to come about, Lester had to address past triggers and emotions he experienced before and during his incarceration. By acknowledging five key stages and sharing different exercises that put him on the right path, Lester could overcome obstacles preventing his growth. This edition also includes book and class reviews from current and formerly incarcerated individuals that share how Lester’s narratives of each phase helped in their struggles to redemption.

 Available in Paperback.


Trauma Survivors’ Strategies for Healing: A Workbook to Help You Grow, Rebuild, and Take Back Your Life, Elena Welsh PhD (Author)

Trauma Survivors’ Strategies for Healing offers the latest, recovery-oriented strategies to manage symptoms and take your life back from trauma. The decision to begin working on your trauma is not easy, but it is an essential step on your journey into healing. In Trauma Survivors’ Strategies for Healing, clinical psychologist Dr. Elena Welsh delivers an actionable workbook with new strategies to rebuild from trauma and start living the life you want to lead.

Based on scientifically-backed therapeutic strategies, Dr. Welsh will teach you practical, proven, effective skills for working through trauma and healing your mind, body, and spirit. The exercises in Trauma Survivors’ Strategies for Healing have helped thousands of trauma survivors cope and find relief from trauma-related symptoms in daily life.

Available in Paperback and Kindle.

The Complex PTSD Journal: A Guided Journal to Help You Heal, Grow, and Thrive, Mercedes J. Okosi Psy.D. (Author)

Journaling offers a safe space for you to explore your experiences with complex trauma and develop healthy coping skills you can carry with you through life. The Complex PTSD Journal is filled with introspective prompts and practices that guide you in understanding your emotions, establishing healthier relationships, and finding lasting peace.

Available in Paperback.

The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole, Arielle Schwartz PhD (Author)

Those affected by complex PTSD, or C-PTSD, commonly feel as though there is something fundamentally wrong with them―that somewhere inside there is a part of them that needs to be fixed. Facing one’s PTSD is a brave, courageous act―and with the right guidance, recovery is possible.

In The Complex PTSD Workbook, you’ll learn all about C-PTSD and gain valuable insight into the types of symptoms associated with unresolved childhood trauma. Take healing into your own hands while applying strategies to help integrate positive beliefs and behaviors.

Available in Paperback and Kindle.


The Success Principles(TM) – 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be – Author, Jack Canfield

In celebration of its 10th anniversary, a revised and updated edition of Jack Canfield’s classic best seller with a brand new foreword and an afterword for succeeding in the digital age.

Since its publication a decade ago, Jack Canfield’s practical and inspiring guide has helped thousands of people transform themselves for success. Now, he has revised and updated his essential guidebook to reflect our changing times.

In The Success Principles, the cocreator of the phenomenal best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series helps you get from where you are to where you want to be, teaching you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, it spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history – proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or get back in the job market.

Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will change your life beyond your wildest dreams.

Available in Paperback, Audio Kindle.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement – Author Brian Tracy

“Every line in this book bursts with truth, wisdom, and power. Brian Tracy is the preeminent authority on showing you how to improve your life dramatically. Let him be your guide. I’ve learned so much from Brian myself that I can’t thank him enough!” (Robert G. Allen, number-one New York Times best-selling author)

“This book gives you a step-by-step system to transform your thinking about yourself and your potential, enabling you to achieve greater success in every area of your life.” (Lee Iacocca, Chairman, Lee Iacocca & Associates)

Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Audio, Audio CD, and Kindle.

The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life, Brian Tracy (Author)

Why are some people more successful than others? Self-confidence! What one great goal would you set if you knew you could not fail? What wonderful things would you want to do with your life if you were guaranteed success in anything you attempted? Your level of self-confidence determines the size of the goals you set, the energy and determination that you focus on achieving them, and the amount of persistence you apply to overcome every obstacle.

Available in Paperback, Audiobook and Hardcover and Kindle.

I Can. I WILL. I DO. I AM.: Affirmations for Transformation,  Kardell Sims (Author)

This book contains affirmations that helped me transform from a convicted felon to a certified entrepreneur. You can apply these affirmations and stories to your life and begin your transformation. Transformation means the moment you realize that there are no limitations to what you can accomplish. Own your tomorrow by manifesting your vision and being the boss of your mission.

Available in Paperback and Kindle.


Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Understanding the Power of Every Word You Speak, Joyce Meyer (Author)

“Words are a big deal. They are containers for power, and we have to decide what kind of power we want our words to carry,” says Joyce Meyer in Change Your Words, Change Your Life. “I believe our words can increase or decrease our level of joy. They can affect the answers to our prayers and have a positive or negative effect on our future… One might say that our words are a movie screen that reveals what we have been thinking and the attitudes we have.”

Building on the premises of Power Thoughts and Living Beyond Your Emotions, she examines the tremendous power of words – which are the vehicles that convey our thoughts and emotions – and provides a series of guidelines for making sure that our talk is constructive, healthy, healing, and used to good results.

Available in Hardcover, Paperback, Audio and Kindle.

Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life, Sarah Jakes Roberts (Author)

A New York Times bestseller! With life lessons, she’s learned and new insights from the story of Eve, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how past disappointments, struggles, and even mistakes can be used today to help you become the woman God intended.

Everyone faces trials, and everyone will mess up. But failure should not be the focus. Your focus should not be on who you were but rather on the pursuit of who you can become. In Woman Evolve, Sarah helps you understand that your purpose in life does not change; it evolves.

Available on Kindle, Audiobook, and Hardcover

Healing the Soul of a Woman, Joyce Meyer (Author)

Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer draws on her own history of abuse to show women how Christ’s redeeming love heals emotional wounds and brings joy to life.

Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding “Yes!”

Meyer’s positivity comes from living her own journey and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain – or even know where to begin – find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.

Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Audio and Kindle.

Healing the Wounds of the Past, T. D. Jakes (Author)

Healing the Wounds of the Past is T.D. Jakes at his best! Bringing years of home-grown wisdom and real-life experience to the forefront, he gives you what you need to once and for all put past hurts, struggles, and disappointments behind you.

Based on solid biblical principles and modern-day realities, Healing the Wounds of the Past provides solutions for the tragedies and traumas you may have experienced and helps you move confidently beyond the past and into a life of joy, success, and abundance in God’s glory.

Available in Paperback, Audiobook and Kindle.


The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts, Gary Chapman (Author)

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life?

In the #1 New York Times international bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

Available in Paperback and Kindle.

The Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage, Myles Munroe (Author)

Probably no other dimension of human experience has been pondered, discussed, debated, analyzed, and dreamed about more than the nature of true love. Yet, for all our thinking and talking, where can we turn for genuine insight in matters of true love?

Dr. Myles Munroe provides answers to the questions surrounding the true nature of love as he exposes the false images created in our culture. He shares practical and realistic truths that will enable you to discover and experience love for God, for yourself, for your mate, and for those around you.

Available in Paperback, Audiobook and Kindle.

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